CVA Action backs Tillis for re-election to US Senate

Veterans group highlights record on veterans issues in endorsement

ARLINGTON, Va.—Concerned Veterans for America Action (CVA Action) today announced its support for Senator Thom Tillis’s re-election.  CVA Action is throwing its support behind Sen. Tillis for the important policies he’s championed and the principled leadership he’s shown during his time in the U.S. Senate representing the Tar Heel State. The organization will leverage a wide array of tactics –including mobilizing its grassroots army—to support Tillis ahead of November’s general election.

In a memo to interested parties, CVA Action Senior Advisor Nate Anderson issued the following statement:

“In the face of often harsh—and misguided—criticism, he [Sen. Tillis] has been a policy champion on issues important to veterans, leading efforts to improve access to quality, affordable health care and to make the Department of Veterans Affairs more accountable to the veteran community.” 

“For Tillis, it’s more important to get things done for veterans than score points. That is the principle that has guided Sen. Thom Tillis through his first term. And it’s the one that will guide him through his second. We urge the veterans of the Tar Heel State – and all North Carolinians—to support his re-election.”


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